Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today  was "Litterless Lunch Day" at BEYS. Our classroom challenged the rest of the school to use only a grocery bag for garbage today and recycle/compost everything else.  Evan announced our challenge over the intercom and our "Green Team" delivered the grocery bags to every classroom. We took a picture of our school's lunch  garbage on a typical day and then took another picture today, after the challenge.  On a typical day, Mr. Starkey collects 5 to 6 large garbage bags full of garbage after lunch.  Today, he collected 3 bags.  We were able to cut down our garbage by almost 1/2!
In math today, we learned how to measure the distance around objects using string and then measured the length of the string with non-standard units (interlocking cubes).
Tomorrow is Music/Art night from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.  Ms. Korlak has been busy setting up a gallery of student's artwork in the library and school hallways.  Mrs. MacLellan and the grade 3, 4 and 5 classrooms will be performing a musical in the gym.  Everyone is welcome to attend!

Lunch garbage on a typical day at BEYS - 5 to 6 bags

Lunch garbage on "Litterless Lunch" day - 3 bags.

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